EUFJE Annual Conference — 13-14 September 2019
Venue: Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, Fabianinkatu 15, Helsinki

Summary report
Country reports
Programme (EN) / Programme (FR)
K. Sulyok & F. Bögös, The role of science in environmental adjudication in EUFJE member's courts - Findings of the questionnaire |
M. Schultz, The use of technical judges for better integration of scientific data in environmental decision-making |
M. Bundschuh, Limits to judicial review: "Red kite" case of the German Constitutional Court |
M. Seppälä, Judge's perspective |
Ph. Ledenvic, EIA by the Environmental Authority and French administrative court decisions regarding EIA |
C. Billiet, Results of the LIFE-ENPE Project 2018-2019 |
M. Hildén, Opportunities and challenges in providing and using research based knowledge in legal cases |
K. Marttinen, Parties perspectives |
T. Paloniitty & M. Eliantonio, Scientific knowledge in environmental judicial review: safeguarding effective judicial protection in the EU Member States? Summary of the case study responses |
B. Preston, Specialised Court Procedures for Expert Evidence |
C. Sobotta, How the CJEU deals with scientific knowledge - Recent CJEU case law |
R. Uylenburg & A.T. Dalen Gilhuijs, STAB A government funded answer to technical questions from judges in environmental law |
J. Nissinen, Views from the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation |