
Stockholm 2009

 "The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive"

"La directive sur les installations classées - IPPC"

Programme (EN)  General report (EN)
Questionnaire (EN) Questionnaire (FR)
Questionnaire topic (EN) Questionnaire topic (FR)
Draft notes (EN)  



 Péter Vajda, European Commission, DGENV

The IPPC Directive(EN)

 Jonas Ebbesson

IPPC issues in the European Court of Justice and the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee(EN)

 Carol Billiet,Ghent University/ Flemish Environmental Enforcement Court

Reaching BAT: Flanders’ path of discharge quality standards (EN)

 Prof. Dr. Luc Lavrysen, Judge in the Belgian Constitutional Court, Director Environmental Law Centre Ghent University

Acess to Justice of NGO's in IPPC cases in Belgium (EN)

 Jan Eklund, Vaasa Administrative Court

Permanence of permits when operations or emissions change (EN)

 Kari Kuusiniemi, Judge Finland

BAT – case by case assessment (FR)


Available country reports


Autria Germanu Poland
Belgium Hungary Sweden
Czech Republic Italy United Kingdom
Finland Netherlands  
France Norway   


Click on the map to see the country reports